Fixed effects and lagged dependent variables again

chaos6174 asks:
In section 5.3 Fixed Effects versus Lagged Dependent
Variables,you write that the fixed effect model can deal with the OVB
problem caused time-invariant or group-invariant omitted variables,and
also give some suggestions on the strategies handing the OVB problem
caused by potential omitted variables that may change over time in
practice.On whether to employ fixed individual effects model or lagged
dependent variable model ,you suggest that the researchers Â…"find
broadly similar results using both models".But if the estimated
coefficient  of the interested  explanatory variable from the two
models differ tremendously,what shall be done to for the regressions
to make sense?

The fixed effects and lagged dependent variable models are different models, so can give different results. We discuss this on p. 245-46 in the book. If the results are very different you could consider estimating a model with both fixed effects and a lagged dependent variable. As we discuss in the book, this is a challenging model to estimate. As you can see from our discussion we don’t think the approaches you need to instrument for the lagged dependent variable are all that compelling, so this is not a clean solution. You can also think about the simple FE and LDV results as bracketing the true effect. Of course, if the difference is large this may not be particularly informative. If all else fails there may not be much you can do other than find another approach/other data/a better natural experiment to study the research question you are after.


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